Different Degrees of Lobha - Ten unwholesome courses of action I

Every time a lobha-mūla-citta arises lobha is accumulated. When the conditions are there, lobha can motivate ill deeds through body, speech or mind. When we see to what kinds of deeds lobha can lead we will be more inclined to develop the wisdom which eventually will lead to its eradication.


Ill deeds are called in Pāli: akusala kamma. Kamma is the cetasika

(mental factor arising with the citta) which is 'intention' or 'volition’, in

Pāli: cetanā. However, the word 'kamma' is also used in a more general

sense for the deeds which are intended by cetanā. The term 'kamma-

patha' (literally 'course of action') is used as well in this sense. There are

akusala kamma-pathas and kusala kamma-pathas, ill deeds and good deeds,

accomplished through body, speech and mind. As regards akusala kamma-

patha, there are ten akusala kamma-pathas and these are conditioned by

lobha, dosa and moha. Moha, ignorance, accompanies every akusala citta, it

is the root of all evil. Thus, whenever there is akusala kamma-patha, there

must be moha. Some akusala kamma-pathas can sometimes be performed

with lobha-mūla-citta and sometimes with dosa-mūla-citta. Therefore, when

we see someone else committing an ill deed we cannot always be sure which

kind of citta motivates that deed.


The ten akusala kamma-pathas are the following:

1.    Killing

2.    Stealing

3.    Sexual misbehaviour 

4.    Lying

5.    Slandering

6.    Rude speech

7.    Frivolous talk

8.    Covetousness

9.    Ill-will

10   Wrong view (ditthi)

Topic 178