The Perfection of Energy - The four factors of streamwinning

We read in the “Kindred Sayings”(V, Maha-vagga, Book IV, Kindred Sayings on the Faculties, Ch I, §8, Point of view) about the five controlling faculties, indriyas:

“Monks, there are five controlling faculties.

What five?

The controlling faculty of faith, of energy, of sati, of concentration and of panna...”
These are dhammas that are rulers or leaders (indriyas), each in their own field, and they arise at the moment of satipatthana, when satisampajanna (awareness and understanding) considers the characteristics of realities. We read in the  above quoted Sutta about the controlling faculty of faith:

“But from what point of view, monks,

should the controlling faculty of faith be regarded?

From that of the four limbs of Streamwinning...”
When kusala citta arises it must be accompanied by saddha cetasika, confidence or faith. Kusala citta is of many degrees. The faculty of saddha, faith or confidence, is a leader in its own field while it performs its specific function. This will be clearer when we consider the four limbs or factors of streamwinning: unshakable confidence in the Buddha, the Dhamma, the Sangha and the virtues (síla) which are agreeable to the ariyans.
Someone may study the Dhamma and have confidence in listening to the Dhamma, but his confidence may not be firm, it may be unstable, uncertain. If he has no right understanding of realities and if he does not know the right practice for the realization of the four noble Truths, he may easily become confused. Confidence which is unshakable and firm, without confusion, is a condition for not deviating from the right Path; it is the confidence of the ariyan, a factor of streamwinning. It is the unshakable confidence in the Buddha, the Dhamma, the Sangha and the virtues of the ariyans.

Topic 281