Functions of Tadarammana and Cuti - Tadarammana and a succeeding mind-door process

The tadārammana-citta experiences an object not only through the five sense- doors, but also through the mind-door. In the sense-door process tadārammana-citta can arise only when the object has not fallen away yet. If tadārammana-cittas arise in the sense-door process they can arise also in the succeeding mind-door process.
The tadārammana-citta is a vipākacitta which can experience an object through six doors. If the object is visible object, which, in the eye-door process, is experienced by citta through the eye-door, then the tadārammana- cittas of that process also experience the object through the eye-door. The tadārammana-cittas of the mind-door process succeeding the eye-door process experience that object through the mind-door. If the object which contacts the sense-door is unpleasant, all vipākacittas of that process and thus also the tadārammana-cittas, if they arise, are akusala vipāka. The tadārammana-cittas of the mind-door process succeeding that sense-door process are also akusala vipāka. If the object which contacts the sense-door is pleasant, all vipākacittas of that process, tadārammana-cittas included, are kusala vipāka. It is the same with the tadārammana cittas of the subsequent mind-door process.

Topic 188