210  The arising of calm depends on right understanding

The “Earth Kasina” (Visuddhimagga IV, 21) is another meditation subject. Not everybody who looks at a disk of clay can become calm, right understanding of this subject is indispensable. What is the purpose of the contemplation of this subject? To lessen clinging to sense objects. The terms Earth, Water, Fire and Wind represent the “Four Great Elements” which form up all physical phenomena. Is there not Earth (solidity), Water (fluidity), Fire (heat) and Wind (motion or oscillation) in all physical phenomena? Is there not solidity in our body and in all the things around us? Acharn Sujin said: “Everything around us is just earth in different shapes and forms. We are attached to it, we fight for it, but it is just earth.” Thus, if we see that all the things around us and also our body is just earth it can condition moments of detachment, of calm. We see that the meditation subject itself is no guarantee for calm, that the arising of calm depends on right understanding.

Date 31 Mar 2024
