205  Sila of the eightfold Path

There is the sila of the eightfold Path and this is: right speech (sammavaca), right action (samma kammanta) and right livelihood (samma ajíva) . These three factors are sobhana cetasikas (beautiful mental factors) and they are factors of the eightfold Path if they are accompanied by the right understanding (samma dithi) of the eightfold Path. When we abstain from wrong speech, wrong action and wrong livelihood (which is wrong speech and wrong action committed for the sake of our livelihood), without right understanding of the eightfold Path, there is sila, but not sila of the eightfold Path. When right understanding of nama and rupa has been developed it can arise when we refrain from wrong speech, wrong action and wrong livelihood, and that is sila of the eightfold Path. When we abstain from akusala we may still cling to a concept of self who abstains. When right understanding has been developed it realizes that it is nama that abstains, only a conditioned reality, not self. It depends on conditions whether there can be sila of the eightfold Path, but we should see the value of all levels of sila. We should apply ourselves to sila, right conduct in body and speech, be it refraining from ill deeds, sincere politeness, the paying of respect or helping others.

Sila is a form of giving, because when we give up defilements it is also for the benefit and happiness of other beings; we let them live in peace and we do not harm them. When we have more loving kindness and compassion for other beings, even for insects, there are conditions to refrain from harming them. When we refrain from killing we give the gift of life.

Date 31 Mar 2024
